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At the airport and on the plane

Tip from a Dog Jaunt reader: Treats for flight attendants

The blog has taken a back seat to wrapping packages and writing cards, but happily you guys have picked up the slack. I have three reader’s reports to share with you over the coming days, and here’s the first. Chelsea and her husband are Americans living in Vienna, and they recently traveled back to the U.S.Read the rest

Reader’s report: Tips from a trip to the Bahamas

Amanda, a loyal Dog Jaunt reader, spends part of every year in the Bahamas. This year, for the first time, she and her husband took Wrigley, their 18 month-old Chihuahua/Jack Russell mix with them. Amanda very kindly sent me an e-mail about their trip, packed with good information, and (thanks, Amanda!!)… Read the rest