Dog Jaunt's new pet travel book is now out! Buy it, or learn more about it here. And please review it on Amazon!


Je ramasse: Dog poop in Paris

I finally thought of taking a picture of one of these Parisian scoop law signs on our way back from dinner last night (there was wine, yes, which explains the blurry). “I love my neighborhood,” it says, “[so therefore] I scoop.”… Read the rest

Do you need federal trademark registration to protect your blog name?

Back in July, I filed an application with the United States Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) to register DOG JAUNT as a trademark.  I just checked its status (“not yet assigned to an examining attorney,” and not a lot of hope that it’ll be assigned any time soon), and thought I’d write a quick post on why I made the effort and paid the money.… Read the rest

Photo Friday giveaway: Winner of the Fab Dog raincoat

As you know, everyone who posted a photo of their dog during the last two Photo Fridays earned chances to win a Fab Dog raincoat in my favorite print — a map of New York’s subway system. These past two weeks have been such fun for me that I plan to make this a weekly giveaway, starting tomorrow, and continuing for as long as I have prizes — I can think of at least five prizes off the top of my head, so we’ll be doing this for the next month or so.… Read the rest