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Photo Friday giveaway: Winner of the Fab Dog raincoat

As you know, everyone who posted a photo of their dog during the last two Photo Fridays earned chances to win a Fab Dog raincoat in my favorite print — a map of New York’s subway system. These past two weeks have been such fun for me that I plan to make this a weekly giveaway, starting tomorrow, and continuing for as long as I have prizes — I can think of at least five prizes off the top of my head, so we’ll be doing this for the next month or so. Check back tomorrow to learn about the next giveaway!

For this giveaway, there were a total of nineteen entries, and although I could have used a fancy piece of software to make the random choice, I realized that I had a simpler system at my feet: The Otto Method. I wrote everyone’s name on separate pieces of paper and distributed the papers, upside-down, on a patch of carpet, like so:

Otto stands (well, sits) at the ready

Because what could be more unpredictable than a cat? We have four cats, and they all like to lie on scraps of paper. I knew that at some point, Otto would walk around a bit, then flop over onto one of the pieces of paper — and so he did:

We have a winner!

And the winners are Tazz and Peng, photographed racing around a park (Picture #10 from this past Friday). blink_gurl123, please email me your mailing address, and I’ll send you your prize! My address is at the bottom of Dog Jaunt’s “About” page.

Thank you so much to everyone who sent in pictures — I loved seeing them, and lots of people clicked through them to see your wonderful companions. Please return tomorrow, and every Photo Friday!!


  • Campbell

    I love your idea of Otto randomly chooosing a winner! Very cool! Hopefully we can get our cat Noodles involved in one of your Photo Fridays.

  • Ha! Love it! Send in your pics, Campbell! You might win a dog-oriented prize, but I suspect you guys know a fair number of dogs too….

  • Lanae

    Wow! My husband and I and our dogs are going to have to keep up with you now so we have a nice travel pic to enter each week! I am just always worried now about going to nature areas after finding a nasty, huge tick in-between Sandy’s (my lab-golden mix) toes! Oh my gosh I almost lost my dinner, YUCK!

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