Photo Friday: Chloe at the regatta
The epic driving trip I’m currently taking was planned around the New York State High School Rowing Championships, held outside Saratoga Springs last weekend. My niece and her teammates were rowing in a Junior 4+ boat, and a passel of relatives showed up to cheer them on in the drizzle and, then, rain. Here’s Chloe, in her NYC subway-patterned rain jacket; behind her, I’m wearing a cowboy-patterned poncho.

Poor dog. It's hard to say which she likes least -- the rain, or her rain jacket. On the bright side, my niece and her teammates came in first, so they'll be heading to Nationals in a couple of weekends. Congratulations, girls!!
As I mentioned on Dog Jaunt’s Facebook page, it was great to have Chloe at the regatta — she was patted and fussed over, and enjoyed walking around (when it wasn’t raining), and she’s a warm little dog, so she got passed from lap to lap as we waited for the girls’ next race. Here she is, warming my sister-in-law’s father’s lap:
I’d love to see how you and your pup spent your time together this week — please post your photos on Dog Jaunt’s Facebook page so we can all see them!