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Posts tagged ‘tips’

Reader’s report: Tips for preparing for, and surviving, a long international flight with your in-cabin dog

Reader Rafael posted this content on Dog Jaunt’s Facebook page, and I immediately asked if I could turn it into a blog post, so it wouldn’t just scroll away into oblivion. I thought there would be many of you who would appreciate hearing how he prepared his pup Chuck Norris to spend extended periods of time in an in-cabin carrier, and how they handled a long international flight together.… Read the rest

Traveling with a dog: How to be a good houseguest

I spent three weeks driving around New England with Chloe this spring, visiting half a dozen friends I hadn’t seen in a while (I hadn’t seen one girl since the Era of the Padded Shoulder, when we were both 17). I stayed in a couple of hotels, but mostly I stayed with my friends, or I visited their homes.… Read the rest