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Quiet clicker for dog training while traveling

We clicker train Chloe, and it’s going well, but the sheer noise of our standard box clicker hadn’t struck me until a recent houseguest quailed at the beginning of a training session. They don’t last long — usually only a few minutes at a time — but our guest’s reaction made me think twice about traveling with a clicker.

So I ordered an i-Click clicker, which is supposed to be quieter and easier to use, and I’m here to report that it is slightly easier to use — the button protrudes, so there’s no confusion over which end of the silver strip to press, and you can click it by smacking it against your leg, or stepping on it with your foot, if you wish. It’s also a good deal quieter — so quiet, in fact, that when we brought it to a class it was completely drowned out by our colleagues’ box clickers. It’s still a clicker, so I’d time your use of it to hours when your hotel neighbors are likely to be awake (and, preferably, out of their room), but it’s an improvement.

1 comment

  • Emily

    Glad to know there is a “quiet” clicker out there in the market! I had a few guests over dinner and one of them complained about the click sounds after a couple of hours hearing it over and over. Well, note to self is probably not to invite guests while dog training!

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