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Photo Friday: Dog travel photos wanted!

I took this photo a couple of weeks ago while we were visiting my in-laws in Florida. It looks exotic, doesn’t it? (Those of you from Florida are shaking your heads, but believe me, to someone from the Pacific Northwest, this looks like a tropical paradise.) Chloe’s just seen HER FIRST EGRET and HER FIRST TURTLE, both STANDING ON A LOG in the MIDDLE OF A POND, and she’s had to lie down to recover from all the excitement.

Mostly I include this photo to remind you that your Photo Friday pix don’t need to be as great as the Flickr photos I often post on Fridays — this picture is never going to win an award, but it reminds me of a fun afternoon far from Seattle….

Please send me links to your favorite dog travel photos! They’ll get listed below, for everyone to click on and view. Here’s how it works:

  1. Every Friday, I’ll put up a post like this one, sometime during the morning (Pacific time).
  2. If you have a blog or a website, post a dog travel photo on your site on Friday and link back here to the current week’s “Photo Friday” post so that your readers can see other great dog travel photos. Please take a moment to make sure that you are linking directly to your photo post instead of your homepage.
  3. If you don’t have a blog or a website, simply post your photo to Flickr (or Facebook, Twitpic, etc.).
  4. Enter a link to your photo or your blog post in the form at the bottom of my post. That way, Dog Jaunt will link back to you. Please include a few words in the “Link Title” box describing where you took the photo.

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